Discover great green spaces that meet your needs & interests
A Creative fuse innovation pilot dedicated to collating data on green spaces across the UK.
We want to empower all types of people to be able to enjoy green spaces and the outdoors.
Green spaces are proven to improve your physical and mental health and well being. Green spaces will allow everyone to find somewhere that is great for them to explore.

Collated useful information

Nature Enthusiast?
Collated Biodiversity
Search based on biodiversity. Discover locations where you can spot new and favourite wildlife. Greenspaces will provide a bank of information on both Fauna and Flora.
Log Data
Contribute to the dataset yourself, by logging your sitings, uploading images and attaching notes from where you saw it and when.
An academic community
We are keen to provide the platform for academics and enthusiasts to share data. The goal is to provide useful open source data that can aid research and help improve spaces across the UK.